Awakening to the Presence I AM: A Soul’s Journey to the Kingdom of the Living God Within Us

Jp Santsil
18 min readAug 29, 2023


On this splendid and luminous journey along the sacred road of existence, where living well intertwines in harmony with the majestic and powerful Presence I AM, every step taken is a deep dive into the magnitude of the divine, where no loss is found and no effort is in vain. In this immaculate path, every advance, no matter how small, frees us from the shackles of great fear that often imprison us.

O BELOVED SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF THE LIVING GOD! Those who walk with determination along this path, whose grandeur transcends our understanding, possess an undivided mind, steadfast in their devotion and unwavering commitment. Yet, the minds of the undecided, whose hearts wrestle with dilemmas and uncertainties, follow tortuous and bewildered paths, wandering in multiple misleading directions.

There are those who self-proclaim as followers of the One Truth, thirsting for pleasures, riches, and power, who seek rituals and ceremonies as a ticket to the celestial realms of knowledge. Enchanted by the intricate language of ancient hermetic texts of Gnosis, by the sacred medicines of the Amazonian forests, by the Eastern traditions of India, by the Hebrew Scriptures, by Yoruba rites, and by esoteric culture. They are content only with that which brings joy to their senses and with the lust of affection and sex. Immersed in the illusion of fleeting pleasures and the relentless pursuit of material riches, their minds are blind to the decision to serve the Great and Mighty Presence of the Creator, Sustainer, and Renewer God, and they mistakenly use these sacred knowledge and practices solely to exploit and drain others’ energies and take advantage of their devotions to the Sacred. Thirsty vampires for others’ light energy.

Oh, how sad it is to witness those who cling to the fleeting pleasures of the senses and the transience of material riches, falling into the trap of self-deception. In their hearts, the nobility of purpose is obscured by the mist of selfish desire, unable to recognize the grandeur and majesty of the Mighty Divine Presence that surrounds and guides them.

However, on the luminous path of existence, a glimmer of hope always shines. Even lost and wayward hearts can find the right path if only they are willing to open the eyes of understanding and embrace the true nature of their being. It is an invitation to transcend superficialities and delve into the depths of self-knowledge, where true connection with divinity resides.

In this way, may we walk steadfastly and resolutely on this sacred journey of life, letting go of false directions and illusions that distract us from the supreme purpose. May we embrace the flame of wisdom in our hearts, illuminating every step of our journey and bringing forth the awareness of the Divine Presence within us and around us. For it is only in this intimate union with the Great and Mighty Presence I AM that we find the fullness of being, the true fulfillment of our highest purposes.

On this magnificent course, we will be challenged and tested, for the road of transcendence is not free of obstacles. Yet, it is through these trials that we grow in wisdom and inner strength. Each challenge overcome brings us closer to understanding our divine potential and empowers us to face the challenges that still lie ahead.

Those who surrender to the allure of ephemeral pleasures and material riches are trapped in a vicious cycle, where their relentless pursuit of external satisfaction only distances them from true fulfillment. They are blind to the beauty and depth of connection with the Divine Presence that permeates all things. Their minds are obstructed by the mists of the external and materialism, unable to perceive that true wealth lies in spiritual elevation and selfless service to humanity.

However, there is hope for those who find themselves lost on the winding paths of illusion. The Great Mighty Presence I AM is always present, patiently waiting for us to open our hearts and minds to the truth that transcends the superficial appearance of reality. It invites us to abandon the selfish pursuit of fleeting pleasures and to surrender to the grandeur of divine existence that pulses within every atom of the universe.

Upon awakening to the True Essence of Being, we are called to walk the path of loving and selfless service. It is through serving others that we connect with the Divine Spark present in every human being, nurturing and strengthening the flame of Universal Love. This is the true wealth that transcends ephemeral materialism, for it is imperishable and eternal.

Therefore, dear travelers of the Sacred Road of the Soul, may we always remember that the grandeur of life does not reside in the superficialities that entice us, but rather in the deep connection with the Divine Presence within us and in all that surrounds us. May we find the courage and determination to abandon the detours and illusions that steer us away from truth, embracing the journey of self-discovery and spiritual transcendence.

As we walk along this illuminated path, united in communion with the Great Mighty Presence I AM, we discover that each step, no matter how small, liberates us from the great fear that often imprisons us. And as we draw closer to Divine Unity, we understand that no effort is in vain, for each moment of dedication and pursuit brings us closer to our True Essence.

May this Sacred Journey be an inexhaustible source of inspiration, transformation, and profound discoveries. May each of us, sons and daughters of the Living God, find the courage and resilience to steadfastly follow this path, with an undivided mind and an open heart to the truth that sets us free. For only by surrendering to the grandeur of the Mighty Presence I AM, will we attain the fullness of living well in communion with the divine essence that resides within each of us.

In the depths of the Sacred Ancient Teachings lies a profound knowledge that transcends the boundaries of time and space. These precious teachings echo through the ages, revealing to us the essential truths that govern existence. Among the many facets of this Sacred Knowledge, we find the mention of the false intrinsic qualities of matter, which serve as veils that conceal the underlying Divine Essence.

Oh, seekers of truth, the time has come to rise above the shackles of these false qualities, transcending the dualities that confuse and imprison us. Matter, although a tangible expression of the Divine, is impermanent and transient, destined to serve as a means for our Spiritual Evolution. Therefore, we must free ourselves from the desire for possession, the urge to cling to it, recognizing that the True Essence lies beyond its fleeting manifestations.

By anchoring ourselves in the I AM, we delve into the depths of our Divine Being, where consciousness expands and the illusion of dualities dissipates. In this state of full connection with the Divine Essence, we transcend the limitations of matter and are filled with the understanding that we are an integral part of the cosmic fabric that permeates all of creation. It is in this sacred moment of integration that we free ourselves from the bonds of ego and join the infinite stream of Divine Consciousness.

Let us rise above the false qualities manifested in matter by recognizing them as mere veils that obscure the True Essence of our being. We are not limited by these qualities; instead, we transcend and embody them all. The Light shines within us, radiating the Divine Wisdom that guides us. Activity pulses within our being, propelling us to act with love and purpose. And inertia provides us with moments of stillness and introspection, allowing us to dive into the depths of our being.

As we embrace the truth of I AM, we find the freedom that transcends all dualities and connects us to the True Essence of the Universe. We are not merely limited physical beings by worldly experiences, but Divine Sparks with the power to create, transform, and evolve. We are a unique expression of Universal Consciousness, destined to awaken to our True Nature and fulfill the higher purpose of our existence.

Therefore, let us leave behind the illusions that keep us captive, the shackles that prevent us from reaching the fullness of our being. With courage and determination, let us rise above the qualities of matter and anchor ourselves in the Essence of I AM. May the pursuit of truth guide us, illuminating our path and revealing the magnificence of our own divinity. In this sacred moment, let us allow ourselves to be free, exploring the infinite horizons of consciousness and realizing our Divine Potential.

In the intricate web of existence, we are confronted with the subtle interplay between the fulfillment of a purpose and its completeness. When we look at the small cistern, we find limited fulfillment, a partial satisfaction of a momentary need. But when our eyes turn to the abundant source, we witness a complete and generous expression capable of quenching the deepest thirst and satisfying the widest aspirations.

Likewise, when we turn to the Sacred Scriptures, we are invited to transcend the surface of the words and dive into the purposes that lie hidden behind them. These scriptures, carriers of Ancient Wisdom, are a map for understanding the Divine Truth, a portal that leads us beyond appearances and connects us with the Supreme Essence.

Those who merely approach the scriptures on the surface may find only limited fulfillment, a partial understanding. Their expressed intentions in them may seem fulfilled, but remain trapped in the veil of literal interpretation. However, for those who seek a deeper understanding, who dive into the waters between the lines, an ocean of hidden meanings is revealed.

It is through subtle perception and inner wisdom that the fullness of intentions in the Sacred Scriptures manifests. Each word, each verse, carries with it a wealth of symbolism and teachings that transcend the limitations of human language. Those who dive into this sea of knowledge, with humility and devotion, uncover layer upon layer of wisdom that reveals itself in a constant flow of discoveries.

Through this deep understanding, we are led to the True Essence of the Sacred Scriptures, where Divine Purposes manifest in all their fullness. They are not mere words but keys that open doors to expanded consciousness, to direct connection with the Divinity that dwells within us. It is in this intimate encounter that transformation occurs, where intentions come alive and pulsate in our own spiritual journey.

As we progress on this path of deep understanding, we realize that the Sacred Scriptures are a guide that leads us to the inexhaustible source of Divine Wisdom. They inspire us to transcend our limitations, expand our vision, and experience the fullness of our Spiritual Nature. They are not just written words but an invitation to an inner journey of self-discovery and spiritual realization.

Therefore, let us recognize the importance of approaching the Sacred Scriptures with reverence and discernment, seeking understanding beyond the literal, beyond the surface. May we open ourselves to the hidden purposes that pulse in every word, in every verse, and allow them to guide us on the journey toward our own Divinity. May the search for truth in the Sacred Scriptures be a search for inner knowledge, for the expansion of consciousness, and for the full manifestation of our Divine Potential. Thus, we will find complete fulfillment, the fullness of purpose that transcends words and connects us to the Supreme Essence of all existence.

Amidst the intricate webs of existence, emerges profound wisdom that teaches us about the true meaning of right and action. It is essential to understand that the right due to us does not refer to the selfish claim of the outcomes of our actions, but rather to the fulfillment of the mission entrusted to us. It is a wise reminder that our responsibility is to carry out our tasks with diligence, commitment, and detachment from the final results.

On this path of wisdom, we are urged to cease considering ourselves as the ultimate goal of our actions. It is a call to transcend the ego and its fleeting needs, and direct our attention toward the union with the I AM Presence, with the divinity that resides within each of us. By fixing the mind on this Sacred Union, we are invited to let go of the desire for victory or defeat, recognizing that the true purpose resides in the action itself, in selfless service, and in the expression of Divine Love through our tasks.

O children of the Living God, the time has come for us to free ourselves from profit-driven labor and the vicious cycle of greed. As we distance ourselves from abominable actions, which are driven by selfish desires and the incessant pursuit of personal gain, we find the true blessing of serving the Majestic Presence I AM. It is in this devotional service that we discover the greatness of our connection with the Creator, Sustainer, and Renewer God.

By being aware of this Divine Presence in everything we do, our actions become an expression of love and gratitude. Work transforms into an opportunity to manifest Divine Attributes in every interaction, in every project undertaken. We do not cling to the fruits of our actions, as we recognize that their destiny is beyond our limited understanding. We surrender the outcome to the flow of life, trusting in the Divine Order that pervades the universe.

It is through this elevated awareness that we find true freedom. Freed from the shackles of ego and the relentless pursuit of worldly rewards, we become instruments of Divine Will, dancing in harmony with the Flow of the Universe. Our actions are propelled by Love, Compassion, and the Joy of serving the Great and Mighty Presence of the Creator, Sustainer, and Renewer God.

Therefore, let us embrace this transformative perspective, recognizing that our true purpose is to fulfill our mission with devotion, serving the Divine Presence that dwells within us and all beings. In doing so, we will find fulfillment and realization that transcends ephemeral material rewards. May each step taken, each task accomplished be a testimony to our connection with Divinity and an expression of the Love that permeates all Creation.

In the vast panorama of existence, emerges the profound message that those who dedicate themselves to service with devotion are freed from all reactions and limitations. It is a call to practice union with the Powerful Presence I AM, so that all actions are performed with artistry and mastery. Those who carry out their work with complete devotion, without clinging to results, attain freedom from the cycle of birth and death, achieving transcendental perfection.

It is when Divine Intelligence rises above the dense forest of illusion that we become indifferent to the words of the past and the future. We become immune to judgments and limitations imposed by the material world. The mind breaks free from conditioning and finds a deep connection with the Inner Truth, with the Divine Wisdom that transcends the limitations of language and worldly concepts.

If our mind remains fixed in a Transcendental Divine trance, if we resist the superficial allure of the ornate language of Sacred Teachings, then we achieve the realization of Divine Consciousness. In this state of Expanded Consciousness, we understand that True Wisdom is not in the words themselves, but in the direct experience of the Divine Presence within us.

It is in this Divine Consciousness that we find True Freedom. We are no longer imprisoned by external expectations and opinions. We are no longer bound by the relentless pursuit of approval and recognition. Instead, we find fulfillment in the connection with our deepest Essence, with the Mighty I AM Presence that transcends the material world and leads us to Spiritual Realization.

It is a call beyond appearances, beyond the illusions of the ego. It is an invitation to transcend the veils of duality and enter the Essential Unity of All Existence. In this state of consciousness, the mind is illuminated by the Light of Truth, and all actions are infused with Divine Grace.

Therefore, let us practice devotion in our service, seeking union with the Mighty I AM Presence in every moment. Let us cultivate artistry in everything we do, finding beauty and harmony even in the simplest tasks. Let us detach from outcomes and dive into the Flow of Life, trusting in the Divine Wisdom that guides our steps.

As we progress on this journey of Spiritual Realization, we realize that Divine Consciousness is the key to liberation from the limitations of the material world. We find perfection in total surrender, in merging with the Divine Essence that resides within us. And thus, we are guided by the Inner Voice of Truth, transcending words and attaining the fullness of Divine Consciousness.

Amidst the tapestry of the Human Journey, the profound revelation emerges that True Divine Consciousness is attained when the curious individual renounces the fleeting desires of the senses, transcending the influences of conditioned mind. It is when contentment is found exclusively in the Supreme I AM that dwells within all of us that we can declare to have attained Divine Consciousness. One who remains serene and tranquil, even in the face of the myriad miseries and challenges of this transient world, deserves the title of: Son and Daughter of the Living God. They are not swayed by the ups and downs of the material world, nor entangled in attachment or hatred, fear or momentary euphoria. It is a state of Transcendental Equilibrium, where Consciousness is free from fluctuations and worldly distractions.

In this ever-changing world, True Mastery is revealed in one who is unaffected by the good or ill that may come their way. The individual situated in Divine Consciousness is not carried away by external oscillations, not lost in the traps of duality. They are not inflated by prosperity nor disheartened by adversity. Instead, they remain immersed in the Divine Essence, observing with serenity and discernment the fluctuations of the world.

It is a state of Full Presence, where the individual recognizes the impermanence of circumstances and the illusion of material reality. Freed from the bonds of ego, they find deep peace and a Transcendental Connection with the Divine. It is a journey of self-knowledge and self-realization, where every challenge and experience are seen as opportunities for Spiritual Growth.

By renouncing the desires of the senses and finding contentment in the Divine I AM, the individual transcends the limitations of conditioned mind and plunges into the vastness of being. It is a journey that demands courage and self-discipline, but the harvested fruits are invaluable. Divine Consciousness awakens within us, revealing a reality beyond the sensory world and limited ego. In this state of Consciousness, life becomes a Dance of the Divine Essence of Being, a manifestation of Love and Compassion in every action.

It is in this Divine Consciousness that we find True Freedom. We are no longer at the mercy of external circumstances, no longer identify with the highs and lows of life. We are guided by the Divine Essence that dwells within us, guiding us with wisdom and discernment. We find inner peace, a serenity that transcends the tribulations of the material world.

Sons and Daughters of the LIVING GOD!, let us seek Divine Consciousness on our path. Let us renounce the fleeting desires of the senses and find contentment in the Supreme I AM within you. Let us cultivate inner tranquility, freeing ourselves from attachment and fear. Let us be Sons and Daughters of the LIVING GOD!, walking with serenity and discernment in this transient world. Let us find Divine Consciousness, where good and evil are transcendent, and where Inner Peace is the Eternal Refuge.

Amidst the vastness of existence, emerges the Transcendental Vision of the Curious Soul diving into the Divine Essence. This soul, transcending the illusion of the senses, is considered a self-realized being, one who has awakened to the deepest truth of existence.

The soul inhabiting a physical body has the capacity to renounce the fleeting pleasures of the senses, understanding that true pleasure resides in the Connection with the Divine. Despite renouncing sensory pleasures, the soul does not lose the sense of pleasure, for it finds the Bliss of Transcendental Expansion that goes beyond the ephemeral experiences of the material world. In this experience, Consciousness stabilizes and becomes fixed on the Eternal.

The senses are powerful and have the ability to even drag the mind of a sober person who strives to tame them. It is a constant challenge to resist their influences and redirect focus to the Great and Powerful Presence of the Creator, Sustainer, and Renewer God. One who can control the senses, focusing on the Supreme Divinity, deserves the title of: SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF THE LIVING GOD! These souls are immersed in deep connection with the Divine, and their discernment is strengthened by Transcendental Wisdom.

To be a person of Full Mind requires constant commitment and inner discipline. It is a journey of self-mastery, where consciousness is trained to remain focused on the Divine Presence despite distractions and temptations of the sensory world. It is a practice of rising above the limitations of conditioned mind and diving into the Universal Truth.

Those who become aware of the Great and Powerful Presence of the Creator, Sustainer, and Renewer God find a state of inner plenitude. They transcend duality and find harmony in Divine Unity. Their actions are infused with a noble intention, serving as a vehicle of expression for Divine Love and Wisdom.

However, this pursuit of a full mind is not without challenges. The senses continue to test the seeker’s determination and discipline. It’s a constant struggle to not get entangled in the fleeting attractions of the material world, but to maintain focus on the search for Inner Truth.

Therefore, let us seek self-realization and Full Mind, withdrawing the senses from their worldly objects and diving into the Divine Essence. Let us renounce the ephemeral pleasures of the senses in search of True Transcendental Joy. Let us cultivate control over the senses, focusing on the Great and Powerful Presence of the Creator, Sustainer, and Renewer God. Thus, we will become self-realized souls, immersed in Divine Wisdom and radiating the fullness of being in all our actions and experiences.

Amidst the vicissitudes of existence, the soul’s journey in search of peace and enlightenment proves to be filled with challenges and temptations. As we contemplate the objects of the senses, we are led to attachment, and from that attachment arise immorality and hatred, which cloud our vision and immerse us in illusion. Illusion, in turn, clouds our memory, confuses our intelligence, and leads us to an inevitable fall into the vicious cycle of matter and the animaloid underworlds.

However, there is a path to liberation, a path that transcends the slavery of the senses and leads us to Divine Mercy. Those who control their senses, practicing the principles of Freedom found in the Great and Powerful Presence I AM, find redemption and free themselves from the yoke of aversion and desire. Through Divine Mercy, all miseries are dispelled, and intelligence becomes fixed in a state of bliss and fullness.

Without Divine Consciousness, the mind wanders without control, and intelligence becomes scattered. Without the inner peace provided by connection with Divinity, True Happiness becomes fleeting and elusive. It is only through control of the senses, through discipline and constant practice, that intelligence becomes firm and stable. The mind of curious men and women thirsty for the truth of their Mighty I AM Presence must be vigilant, for it is easily influenced by the senses, which can divert intelligence from its True Purpose of Being in Life. Men and women of strong minds understand that the stability of intelligence resides in the release of the senses and detachment from sensory objects. While most are captive to the fluctuations of the senses, they remain unmoved, centered, and at peace. While all dive into the night of spiritual forgetfulness, they awaken to the Light of Consciousness, which illuminates their paths and guides their steps.

Those who are not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires, flowing like rivers into the sea, remain stable and serene. They are the only ones capable of experiencing True Peace and Inner health. They refuse to be slaves to their own desires and understand that True Peace resides in the abandonment of attachment and the renunciation of sensory desires. It is in this selfless detachment that True Peace is found.

This is the path of Divine and spiritual Life, where there is no room for deception or illusion. It is a path of self-discipline, self-control, and the search for connection with the Divine Presence in every breath, every thought, and every action. It is a journey that transcends the bounds of the material world and leads to the dwelling of the Kingdom of the Living God, as promised by our beloved Master Yeshua Ha’Meshiach to all of humanity.

CHILDREN OF THE LIVING GOD!, may our soul remain vigilant, resisting the ephemeral appeals of the senses and seeking connection with our Mighty I AM Presence. May we follow the Path of Truth, Peace, and Liberation, aware that only through self-control and renunciation of selfish desires can we attain eternal bliss. May each step toward Divine Consciousness bring us closer to the Kingdom of the Living God, where we will find true fullness and the eternal realization of the soul.

Throughout this important and transcendent narrative, we explore the paths of spiritual seeking, the need for self-control, and the significance of connecting with the Divinity present within each of us. We discover that true fulfillment lies beyond the illusions of the material world and the fleeting desires of the senses. We find the key to inner peace in relinquishing attachment and selfishness, allowing Divine Consciousness to guide our thoughts, words, and actions. We learn that freedom resides in complete surrender to the Great and Mighty I AM Presence, recognizing that we are part of something greater and higher. By letting go of dualities and attachments, we are able to transcend the limits of the ego and achieve union with the Divine Essence that dwells within us. Along this journey, we uncover that Divine Consciousness enables us to transcend the vicissitudes of life, finding balance even amidst adversity. Through self-control of the senses, we cultivate the stability of the mind and the serenity of the heart. We understand that True Peace is not tied to external outcomes, but rather to our capacity to act with devotion, serving higher purposes regardless of circumstances. Divine Consciousness leads us to renounce selfish desires and to seek collective well-being. We recall that the Spiritual Journey is an individual path, yet enriched by mutual support. We are called to live with compassion, kindness, and understanding, recognizing the Divinity present in each human being. Thus, beloved ones, CHILDREN OF THE LIVING GOD!, may we embrace these teachings with love and gratitude. May we allow the Light of Divine Consciousness to shine brightly in our lives, guiding us to wholeness, peace, and union with the Divine. May we be beings of Full Mind, awakening to truth in every moment, and may the promise of attaining the Kingdom of the Living God, as promised by our beloved Master and Lord of the entire world, the Almighty Yeshua Ha’Meshiach, be fulfilled in our hearts. May we live life with artistry, rising above dualities and finding True Freedom in union with the Great I AM Presence. May Love permeate every thought, every word, and every action, for it is in love that we find the Divine Essence. May we be CHILDREN OF THE LIVING GOD, spreading the Light of Love wherever we go. May peace be with us, now and always, throughout all eternity! Amen!



Jp Santsil
Jp Santsil

Written by Jp Santsil

Onde me manifesto… sou como o entardecer, onde o vento passa ao silêncio da morte e as árvores vibram ao ver passar. Se não me manifesto… no nada tudo serei.

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