Beyond the Mechanics of Life: Awakening to a Fulfilling Existence

Jp Santsil
13 min readAug 15, 2023


The Man, throughout history, has demonstrated his ability to invent intricate and complex machines. He understands that the effective use of these machines requires years of study and learning. However, when it comes to himself, he seems to completely forget this fact, even though he himself is the most complicated machine of all: the Human Machine.

The Human Machine lacks freedom of movement. It operates solely through multiple and varied external influences and stimuli. In a matter of seconds, we can take this machine from joy to sadness with a kind word, touching its pride and seeing it smile contentedly. Similarly, an unpleasant word can cause sadness and discouragement, as if we had pressed a button.

A machine is composed of systems, in which each part plays a specific role and all are interconnected. Similarly, the Human Machine has five centers that play distinct roles: the Intellectual, located in the brain; the Motor, situated at the top of the spinal cord; the Emotional, in the solar plexus; the Instinctive, at the bottom of the spinal cord; and the Sexual, in the sexual organs.

The Intellectual Center has the function of processing thoughts and reasoning. Its opposite dualities are Affirmation and Negation, Thesis and Antithesis, Yes and No. This center becomes worn out with prolonged reading, excessive thoughts, and idleness. To balance it, it is recommended to meditate and read something useful that can be put into practice.

The Motor Center coordinates physical movements and actions. Its duality is Movement and Rest. Excessive movements, inertia, and harmful and mechanical habits can wear out this center. To balance it, activities like walking, relaxation, swimming, and balanced exercises are recommended. Many people excessively use the motor center, causing it to fail. Likewise, sedentary behavior can atrophy muscles and cause harm to the organism.

The Emotional Center is responsible for processing feelings and emotions. Its dualities are Joy and Sadness. Negative emotions, conflicts, sentimentalism, and dissonant music can wear out this center. On the other hand, harmonious music, inspiration, natural landscapes, and correct breathing contribute to its balance. Some individuals, after repeatedly receiving strong emotional stimuli, stop feeling emotions and start seeking increasingly dangerous adventures to feel something, which results in the death of the emotional center.

The Instinctive Center coordinates vital functions such as assimilation, digestion, and circulation in the organism. Its dualities are sensations of Pleasure and Pain, pleasant and unpleasant experiences related to the five senses: vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Excess in any of these areas, dietary imbalances, sleep disorders, and lack of control over instinctive impulses can wear out this center. To balance it, a balanced diet, adequate rest, and balanced physical exercises are recommended, among other healthy practices.

The Sexual Center plays a fundamental role in creation and regeneration. Its dualities are Attraction and Repulsion. Misusing this center, whether through imbalances in the preceding centers, sexual abuse, or inappropriate use of creative energies, can cause wear and tear. To balance the Sexual Center, it is necessary to balance the other centers, practice breathing exercises, and use sexual energies wisely. It is important to note that the improper use of the other centers can lead to the theft of energy from the Sexual Center, which can cause damage to these centers due to the difference in energy voltage between them.

Furthermore, it is important to observe that each center should not be used for more than two consecutive hours, as this results in wear and compromises their proper functioning. We can observe that a person who spends too much time thinking and reasoning about a problem may have difficulty solving it, while someone who hasn’t used this center previously can easily solve the problem. When a center is tired, it is recommended to use the other centers in a balanced way. For example, if someone is emotionally shaken, they can use the motor and instinctive centers by taking a vigorous walk. If the fatigue is in the Thinking Center, they can use the emotional and motor centers by listening to music or walking and enjoying the scenery.

Unfortunately, we often let our psychological aggregates control this Human Machine, resulting in wear and tear that reduces our lifespan. Once the vital capital of a specific center is completely depleted, it stops functioning properly. For example, there are people who lose the ability to move due to excessive use of the Motor Center. In asylums, we find various individuals who, as a result of improper use of the Thinking Center, end up suffering from mental disorders.

Therefore, it is urgent that we abandon the condition of mere machines and become true human beings. This involves understanding and balancing the different centers of the Human Machine, recognizing their dualities, and seeking harmony among them. We must be conscious of the external stimuli that affect our machine, practicing meditation, healthy eating, appropriate physical exercises, healthy emotional expression, and a balanced approach to our sexuality.

To become true human beings, we must dedicate ourselves to self-knowledge and the pursuit of inner balance. This involves developing a full awareness of our thoughts, emotions, and actions, recognizing how each center influences our life, and taking steps to strengthen and balance each of them.

It is essential that we cultivate practices that promote the health and well-being of our Human Machine. This includes taking care of our diet, ensuring a balanced and nutritious diet that provides the necessary nutrients for the proper functioning of our body. Additionally, we must adopt proper sleep habits, ensuring restful sleep that allows for the regeneration of our body and mind.

Regular physical exercise is equally important. Conscious and balanced movement, through activities like walking, swimming, yoga, or any other form of exercise that suits our preferences and capabilities, strengthens the Motor Center and contributes to maintaining a healthy body.

We should not neglect the Emotional Center, as emotions have a significant impact on our well-being. Seeking emotional balance involves learning to deal with life’s challenges in a healthy way, cultivating positive relationships, and nurturing our minds with harmonious emotional stimuli, such as music, art, nature, and moments of introspection and inspiration.

The Intellectual Center also requires our attention. We must nourish our mind with meaningful and practical knowledge, avoiding overburdening it with excessive thoughts and idleness. The practice of meditation and reading relevant and useful material are effective ways to balance this center, allowing our thoughts to flow clearly and consciously.

Finally, the Sexual Center deserves a conscious and responsible approach. Recognizing the importance of this vital energy is essential. It is necessary to understand that its expression goes beyond the physical aspect and involves a deep connection with others and the ability to create and regenerate. The wise management of sexual energies involves practices such as conscious breathing, mutual respect, and the pursuit of a healthy and balanced sexual experience.

In summary, the Human Machine is complex and fascinating. Each of its centers plays a crucial role in our life and well-being. By recognizing the importance of each center and seeking its balance, we empower ourselves to transcend the mere machine-like condition and become true human beings. It is an invitation to explore our full potential, live with awareness and wholeness, and build a meaningful existence in harmony with ourselves and the world around us.

There are two worlds that permeate our existence: the outer world and the inner world. The outer world is perceived by our physical senses, while the inner world is only accessible through internal self-observation. In our inner world, we find thoughts, ideas, emotions, desires, hopes, disillusionments, and much more. Although these aspects are invisible to the common senses, they are more real than the physical objects that surround us.

Just as there is a country with states and cities, there are also cities in our inner world, deeper areas where terrible psychological aggregates reside, such as malevolent selves and villains. These aspects are reflections of what exists in the outer world, following the Hermetic principle that “as above, so below; as within, so without.”

If we analyze the human body, we will notice that it is composed of systems, which in turn are composed of organs, which are made up of cells, and ultimately, cells are the union of atoms. Similarly, society is composed of smaller parts, based on the individual. Often, we say that society is in a bad state, facing problems, but if society is in trouble, so are we, as we are an integral part of it. The individual is the smallest unit of society, and if we wish to help society, we must begin by helping ourselves, promoting internal changes on psychological, emotional, and physical levels, so that these changes are reflected externally and can contribute to the transformation of society as a whole. We know that by changing an atom, we change a cell; by changing a cell, we change an organ; by changing an organ, we change the human organism. Therefore, let us change ourselves.

Human relationships can be divided into three distinct aspects that we need to clearly understand. First, we have the relationship with our physical body, the vehicle that allows us to interact with the physical world. Taking care of this body is essential, and it involves having appropriate thoughts, as they directly influence the functioning of the organism. Many people suffer from psychosomatic illnesses due to the influence of inappropriate thoughts. Furthermore, proper breathing is essential to supply oxygen to cells and organs, and healthy eating provides the raw material for building and maintaining the body.

Secondly, we have the relationship with the external world, including family matters, business, finances, professional issues, politics, and other aspects that are part of our social context. It is important to seek harmony in these relationships, developing values such as compassion, empathy, and solidarity, and contributing positively to collective well-being.

Last but not least, we have the relationship with ourselves. Unfortunately, many people neglect this dimension of relationship and fail to recognize its importance. The relationship with oneself is fundamental to personal development and the pursuit of inner enlightenment. It is through this relationship that we can understand our own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, identifying and eliminating the defects that limit us and cause us suffering.

Recognizing in which of these three types of relationships we are lacking is necessary. Perhaps we have a poor relationship with our physical body, resulting in diseases and ailments. Or maybe we have a poor relationship with the external world, facing conflicts and issues in various areas of life. And it is also possible that we have a poor relationship with ourselves, suffering from a lack of self-knowledge and inner wisdom.

To balance these relationships, we must apply the Three Factors of the Revolution of Consciousness. Firstly, to balance our relationship with the physical body, we need to experience the Birth factor, which involves the regeneration and revitalization of the physical body through the formation of internal bodies. This inner alchemy not only strengthens the body but is also essential for the Great Work of personal transformation.

Next, to balance our relationship with society, sacrifice for humanity is necessary. This implies living harmoniously with others, cultivating values such as compassion, empathy, and solidarity, and contributing to collective well-being.

Finally, to balance our relationship with ourselves, we must undergo psychological death. This death is not physical but rather the elimination of psychological defects that imprison us and prevent us from living fully. By shedding negative patterns of thought, unbalanced emotions, and harmful behaviors, we make room for inner wisdom and a more authentic life.

It is important to understand that the internal changes we make have a direct impact on society as a whole. There is the concept of the “Psychological Gymnasium,” a series of situations and problems that others present to us, revealing our psychological defects. Just as we wouldn’t run away from teachers who teach us the most important subjects in school, we should not flee from people who show us aspects that need to be eliminated from our inner world.

The external world is a direct reflection of the inner world. If we face economic, social, or physical problems, it is a reflection of our psychological condition. Therefore, by changing internally, we also transform the environment around us. By cultivating positive thoughts, balanced emotions, and constructive behaviors, we benefit not only ourselves but also society as a whole.

Recognizing the existence of the outer and inner worlds is essential for our journey of self-discovery and transformation. Balancing our relationships with the physical body, society, and ourselves requires effort and inner work, but the results are valuable. By properly caring for our physical body through appropriate thoughts, conscious breathing, and a healthy diet, we strengthen our health and well-being.

By establishing harmonious relationships with the external world, cultivating values such as compassion, respect, and cooperation, we can positively contribute to society and promote a healthier and more balanced environment.

However, we must not neglect the deepest and most intimate relationship: the relationship with ourselves. In this relationship, we find true transformation and personal growth. By facing our fears, recognizing our defects, and eliminating negative patterns, we make room for inner light, wisdom, and authenticity.

The path of self-transformation requires dedication and discipline. We must face the challenges that arise in our path, learn from difficult situations, and use each experience as an opportunity for growth. Through experiencing the Psychological Gymnasium, facing the internal problems and conflicts that arise through interactions with others, we can deepen our self-knowledge and promote positive change in our lives.

As we strive to change our thoughts, emotions, and actions, we are actively contributing to the transformation of society. Let us always remember that the external world is a reflection of our inner world. By seeking harmony and balance within, we reflect these qualities in the environment around us.

Therefore, to achieve true change in our world, we must start with ourselves. By transforming ourselves internally, we positively impact our own lives and influence the world around us. Let us always remember the interconnection between the outer and inner worlds, and the power we have to create a more harmonious and loving reality through our choices and actions.

May we embrace this journey of self-discovery and transformation, recognizing the potential for change that resides within each of us. By uniting the aspects of the physical body, social relationships, and self-development, we are walking the path towards a more fulfilling, meaningful life in harmony with the world around us.

Life is a Natural Law characterized by the succession of events that occur within a certain span of time. However, the mechanical life in which humans find themselves is a succession of mechanical events and states that lead humanity towards its end. But there is a Path that allows us to escape this mechanical life and seek integration with the Mighty Divinity I AM.

On the Path, we free ourselves from the mechanical laws of nature. We learn to eliminate our lower nature and merge with the higher nature. It is necessary to walk this Path with balance, meaning to continue living life, fulfilling familial, economic, social aspects, among others, but without fully identifying or becoming fascinated by them. Instead, we wisely use these experiences to ascend on this vertical line that is the path. This way, we maintain a balance between the Path and Life.

We can use all the circumstances of Life, whether adverse or favorable, to extract the light that will illuminate our path. The Wise learns even from those who know nothing. The Path of Self-Realization is a path full of dangers, both internal and external, filled with indescribable mysteries.

On the Path, what appears to be going very well in reality may actually be going very badly, and vice versa. We learn to produce an internal change that alters our way of thinking, feeling, and acting. The Path is represented by the vertical line, while Life is represented by the horizontal line. Those who wish to depart from the mechanics of life enter the Path.

This journey is undertaken by people who, at a certain point, stopped and questioned the real purpose of living in this troubled world, full of evil, pain, suffering, and negative psychological states. Those on this path are intelligent Rebels, whose revolution is internal, who feel spiritual restlessness and an inner force that drives them to seek moral, psychic, and spiritual self-improvement.

Life arises when we are born and unfolds from birth, growth, reproduction, to death. However, if we confine ourselves to merely living the mechanical life, we will achieve no significant goal. Everything we learn, all the titles we acquire, all the power we accumulate, all of it is consumed by Death.

In life, people live fascinated by their occupations, money, power, and beauty, believing that is all there is. However, when the moment of death arrives, they depart without having become masters of themselves. This horizontal line is meant for ordinary people, which everyone follows. This force leads humanity to a fall in material, moral, psychic, and spiritual aspects. External events are reflections of what we carry internally, our psychological defects.

By stepping off the horizontal line, we free ourselves from the mechanical laws of nature, such as the Law of Return, Karma, Opposites, Accidents, Recurrence, among others. We need a radical change at the root, and this transformation is only possible through the Revolution of Consciousness. In this revolution, we learn to fulfill divine laws.

Many people have sought and walked this path throughout history. In sacred books, we find the stories of many individuals who went through this process, leaving their footprints carved on the sacred mountain of the path.

This path is lived in the practice of the Three Factors of the Revolution of Consciousness. These factors free us from the mechanical laws of nature. They allow us to be born, form the solar bodies, eliminate all our defects, and sacrifice ourselves for humanity, offering aid and assistance to others.

“Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many will seek to enter and will not be able,” said Master Yeshua Há’Meshiach. Each individual needs to walk the path for themselves. Many have walked it and pointed us in the right direction, but each must do it on their own, as it depends on internal effort.

We recognize those who followed and are following the path by the fruits they produce. We know the tree by its fruits. The path of wisdom does not consist of believing, not believing, or doubting. It consists of investigating, analyzing, meditating, and experiencing.

The truth is the unknown from moment to moment. Truth has no relation to what someone believes or doesn’t believe, nor to skepticism. It’s not a matter of accepting or rejecting. Truth is a matter of experiencing, living, and understanding.

Life is a succession of events governed by natural laws, but the mechanical life we find ourselves in leads us to an end. The Path is a journey to step out of this mechanics and seek integration with the divine. In it, we free ourselves from the mechanical laws of nature, balancing the Path and Life. Through the Revolution of Consciousness, we seek a radical change, fulfilling divine laws and walking the Three Factors of the Revolution of Consciousness. Each individual must walk this path for themselves, investigating, meditating, and experiencing truth on their journey towards self-realization.

Therefore, may each of us, with courage and determination, embark on this inner journey in search of truth and spiritual fulfillment. May we find balance between the Path and Life, using all circumstances for our growth and illumination. And throughout this journey, may we find the wisdom and fulfillment we yearn for, transcending the limitations of mechanical existence and reaching integration with the Great and Mighty Presence I AM of the Almighty Creator, Sustainer, and Renewer.



Jp Santsil
Jp Santsil

Written by Jp Santsil

Onde me manifesto… sou como o entardecer, onde o vento passa ao silêncio da morte e as árvores vibram ao ver passar. Se não me manifesto… no nada tudo serei.

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