How Can a Silent Listener Speak in the Land of Speaking Deaf?
The Silence is an Art in Extinction. We live in times when everyone speaks, but few truly listen. It is a cruel paradox: the excess of voices creates a deafening void. How, then, can someone who prefers to listen be understood in the land of speaking deaf? This is a question that deeply resonates with me, shaped by years of silent observation and analysis of a world lost in its own noise.
We live in an era where irony has become the law governing our perception of reality. I say this with the conviction of one who walks through the shadows of information, attentively observing the deliberately constructed confusion surrounding us. I, a silent listener, often find myself lost in the Land of the Speaking Deaf, a place where everyone shouts but few hear.
The reality we are immersed in is not natural. It has been meticulously constructed, brick by brick, by hands that know the deepest secrets of the human psyche. These architects of collective thought understood that the truth, by its very nature, is untamable. Hiding the truth would be useless, for like dammed water, it would inevitably find a crack and emerge, bringing revolution in its wake.
You may be wondering: “Why silence? Why the care in revealing the truth?” Let me clarify. Just as they — the masters of deception — use fiction to confuse our minds, I use fiction as a blade to cut through illusion, exposing their fantasies with reality. Amid the labyrinth of lies, the truth has not disappeared; it has merely been disguised, diluted in a sea of uncertainties.
That’s why they were cunning. Instead of hiding the truth, they decided to corrupt it. They mixed it with cleverly crafted lies, making it impossible to separate what is real from what is illusory. They created a tangle of fragmented information, a chaotic soup where ignorance is no longer the greatest evil. Today, the true villain is information itself — manipulated, distorted, and, above all, excessive.
And here lies the problem: how to present the truth when it has been overshadowed and trivialized? In the past, hiding the truth was enough to keep the masses under control. They knew that everything hidden eventually surfaces — by the gravitational pull of truth, which never allows itself to be buried forever. Thus, a new strategy was devised: mixing the real with the false, creating an indigestible soup of fragmented information. This way, the truth is no longer invisible — it is simply unrecognizable.
Have you noticed how we are flooded with data at every moment? News, notifications, opinions… all mixed into an overwhelming torrent that paralyzes us, making us unable to discern. In the midst of this confusion, false ideas are subtly inserted, mental implants that take root in our subconscious as if they were unquestionable truths. This is no accident; it is strategy.
What does this do to us? It overloads our minds. We are inundated by a deluge of disconnected, edited information, where each piece carries a grain of truth but also a subtle poison — false ideas implanted with surgical precision. Ignorance is no longer the greatest evil; the evil now is information itself. As Lao Tzu said millennia ago: “Excess of ease brings excess of difficulties.” Today, I say: excess of information brings excess of ignorance.
When I realized this, a whirlwind of emotions overtook me: indignation, helplessness, solitude. I gained access to information many would never imagine. Not through any special merit, but because I chose to silence myself. I chose to observe. And in silence, I saw what others cannot see amidst the incessant noise of their own voices. Yet my greatest challenge has always been how to convey this without being swallowed by the machine that trivializes everything it touches.
Writing became my refuge. By putting words on paper, I find a way to organize the chaos, to make sense of what is so deliberately confusing. And even so, the care required is immense. How to speak to those who no longer hear? How to tell a truth that has been deliberately discredited? Lao Tzu, in his timeless wisdom, said: “Excess of ease brings excess of difficulties.” In the information age, this has never been truer. The excess of data, instead of illuminating, blinds.
And that is why I choose silence. I choose literature as my voice, for it allows me to speak to the heart and mind without being engulfed by the storm of noise that has overtaken social media. Writing is an act of resistance, an invitation to deep thought in a world demanding quick and disposable answers. But writing is also a solitary act. In the Land of the Speaking Deaf, I often feel like an isolated figure trying to find the right language to communicate something not everyone is ready to hear.
There is a profound solitude in being one who listens in a world that only speaks. It is not easy to find a language that crosses the barriers of noise and reaches the heart of the lost. But I have learned something: it is in fiction that reality reveals itself. Just as they use stories to confuse, I use stories to expose. When the truth is transformed into metaphor, it becomes powerful — it escapes the traps of the mind and reaches the soul.
This is my mission. I am not a preacher, nor a prophet. I am merely someone who chose silence to see beyond the veil. And now I use literature as a bridge, a way to speak without shouting, to be heard even when most prefer to cover their ears.
Still, I persist. And I persist because I believe silence is a powerful force. In the Land of the Speaking Deaf, silence is not apathy; it is observation. It is a sharp sword, capable of cutting through the chains of confusion. An attentive listener can perceive what others ignore. And more importantly: an attentive listener can speak — not with shouted words, but with messages that resonate deep within the soul.
My struggle is not against people, but against false ideas implanted as truths. And my greatest wish is that, as you read these words, you, who happened upon this, feel a calling. A calling to slow down, to silence the noise around and within you. Because it is in silence that truth reveals itself. And perhaps, together, we can discover a new way to communicate — not with shouts or arguments, but with the tranquil wisdom only silence can offer.
My mission, then, is this: to find melody in chaos, to separate truth from lies, even if it means navigating seas of misunderstanding and solitude. Through literature, I sow seeds. Some may not sprout immediately, but I have faith they will one day grow in fertile minds, where truth will find a home. And you, who read me now, are part of this process. You are the silent echo that might carry this message forward. Because, in the end, truth does not need to shout to be heard; it only needs to find someone willing to listen.
Thus, I conclude with a reflection: how can a silent listener speak in the land of the speaking deaf? He speaks through resilience, observation, and the courage to transmit something undiluted by the noise. For in a world where everyone speaks without listening, silence has the final word. In the end, the question persists: how can a silent listener speak in the land of the speaking deaf? My answer, perhaps, is this: he does not speak; he writes. He plants seeds in every mind willing to receive them. And one day, when the noise becomes unbearable even for the speaking deaf, these seeds will bloom.
And Truth, as always, will prevail! For Truth is non-negotiable; before Truth, all fall silent! And thus, Silence reigns! For Silence is the most real manifestation of Truth, without arguments or justifications, simply being what it truly is!