The Flame of Gnosis: Accessing Ancestral Wisdom and Awakening Inner Divinity

Jp Santsil
9 min readAug 11, 2023


On a starry night, under the vastness of the sky, the mystical sages of a kingdom forgotten by men gathered. Seated in a circle around a crackling fire, they shared the mysteries of gnosis, the knowledge that transcends the limits of human understanding.

Words flowed like rivers of wisdom, enveloping all present in a mystical and intellectual atmosphere. The term “gnosis,” from ancient Greek, echoed in curious minds. It was a knowledge beyond books and schools, acquired through direct observation and personal experience.

The wise mystics understood that gnosis extended beyond the physical world, encompassing all realms and dimensions of existence. Every element, every being, every moment was the subject of gnostic knowledge. Since the creation of the universe, this ancestral wisdom had been preserved, revealing itself in appropriate times and conditions.

In the lands of Egypt, among the philosophers of Greece, among the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans, gnosis had manifested, transmitted in a hermetic manner, reserved for initiates seeking truth beyond appearances. And now, in turbulent times, it emerged publicly, for humanity had lost its essential values, the ethical and moral pillars that sustain the harmony of life.

Gnosis was practical knowledge, far from dogmatism. It lay latent within each human being, awaiting awakening. By applying gnosis in their lives, people experienced profound transformations, a true revolution of consciousness that helped improve their quality of life.

While living at the mercy of circumstances, impulsively reacting to internal and external stimuli, people believed they possessed freedom. However, gnostic knowledge revealed the illusion of this supposed free will, inviting them to transcend mere reaction and assume the role of protagonists in their own lives.

The wise mystics revealed that gnosis was based on four pillars: science, philosophy, art, and religion. Each of these pillars had multiple divisions, representing different approaches to understanding the world.

In art, there were theater, poetry, sculpture, music — each form of expression a portal to hidden wisdom.

In science, they delved into the depths of physics, mathematics, biology, uncovering the secrets of nature and exploring parallel universes. They were modern alchemists, using investigative methods that transcended the material world through scientific meditation and direct observation.

In philosophy, they questioned reality, seeking hidden truths in the essence of things. They recalled the restless curiosity of ancient Greek philosophers, who pondered the purpose of existence, the nature of the soul, and the meaning of life. In the depths of their inquiries, they found answers that not only unveiled the fabric of the universe but also brought clarity to each individual’s journey.

In religion, the sages approached the divine, recognizing it as a transcendent force permeating all things. They understood that true religion went beyond dogmas and external rituals, being an inner quest for union with the sacred. They taught that each person possessed an inner temple where they could directly and intimately connect with the divine.

As the flames of the fire danced beneath the starry sky, the mystical sages shared tales and myths that enchanted everyone. They told stories of the birth of stars, the dance of planets, and the cosmic journeys of luminous beings. Each narrative held layers of meanings, symbols, and teachings that penetrated deeply into the minds and hearts of the listeners.

These stories were like mirrors reflecting the inner journey of each human being, revealing universal truths through poetic and metaphorical images. The mystical sages credited the masters and mystics of the past, acknowledging that wisdom was transmitted from generation to generation, perpetuating itself over the centuries.

The night extended into a magical encounter between the mystical sages and those hungry for knowledge. The flame of gnosis burned intensely, illuminating minds and opening portals to a deeper understanding of existence. As the mystical sages shared their experiences and teachings, the audience immersed themselves in profound reflections, seeking to integrate those truths into their own lives.

In that kingdom forgotten by men, gnosis found fertile ground to flourish. The mystical sages, with their dedication and wisdom, guided those ready to awaken to the hidden beauty and profound wisdom that permeate all things.

The night came to an end, but the seeds planted in those hearts would remain forever. Each person who participated in that gathering became a guardian of gnosis, a messenger of light, sharing the seeds of knowledge on their own journeys.

The flame of gnosis continued to shine, illuminating paths and guiding those willing to delve into its pursuit. For, within the depths of human beings, lies an ocean of ancestral wisdom, waiting to be discovered and brought forth, so that all may remember their true essence and walk the path of awakening.

The days passed, and the teachings of that sacred night echoed in the hearts of those who were present. The quest for gnosis was not limited to a single moment but became a constant journey of self-discovery and expanded consciousness.

Those touched by the flame of gnosis began to apply its teachings in their daily lives. They delved into the depths of themselves, exploring the subtle layers of their existence. They learned to observe their thoughts, understand their emotions, and transcend the limitations imposed by conditioned minds.

As they deepened this inner quest, new insights began to emerge. The veils of illusion lifted, revealing the essential truth that permeates all things. Each moment became an opportunity for contemplation and connection with inner divinity.

The secrets of nature revealed themselves in subtle and majestic ways. The cycles of seasons, the movement of tides, the dance of flowers under the sunlight — everything had a purpose, an intrinsic wisdom that unfolded before the attentive eyes of gnosis seekers.

As they continued on their journey, seekers encountered others traveling the same path. United by a shared thirst for knowledge, they formed communities of learning and experience sharing. They listened to one another, shared insights and mutual support, enriching their individual journeys with collective wisdom.

The flame of gnosis spread like a wave of light and consciousness, transcending the borders of the kingdom forgotten by men. The teachings of the wise, the stories and myths transmitted through the ages, found resonance in the hearts of those ready to awaken.

Regardless of origin, culture, or tradition, gnosis knew no boundaries or limitations. It was a universal call to expand consciousness, a reminder that all bear the spark of inner divinity.

The kingdom forgotten by men was reborn, not as a physical place, but as a dimension of consciousness accessible to all who dared to tread the path of gnosis. The beauty and wisdom once dormant now shone brightly, guiding the steps of those embarking on this sacred journey.

The story of gnosis would continue to be told, by the wise and by the seekers who encountered it on their paths. With each new encounter, each new sharing, the seeds of knowledge spread, taking root in the hearts and minds of those ready to receive them.

The flame of gnosis persisted through the ages, transcending the limitations of time and space. The sacred teachings were passed down through generations, preserving the essence of ancestral wisdom.

As more seekers joined the journey of gnosis, a network of connections formed. This network, interwoven by the invisible threads of knowledge, spanned different cultures, traditions, and spiritual paths. It was a web of mutual learning, where each individual contributed their unique perspectives and experiences.

In these communities of seekers, sacred meetings and rituals were held, where the energy of gnosis manifested intensely and transformationally. The power of unity, synchronicity, and collective intention bolstered each one’s journey, propelling them toward transcendence.

Gnosis seekers understood that life was a cosmic dance, governed by universal laws and subtle energies. They learned to attune themselves to the rhythm of the Universe, harmonize with the cycles of nature, and awaken their connection to the Divine. They found in symbols and archetypes a means to fathom the depths of being and unveil the mysteries of the Universe.

These seekers knew that gnosis was not a final achievement but an ongoing process of self-transformation and consciousness expansion. Each challenge, each obstacle was an opportunity for learning and evolution. They embraced the journey with courage and determination, aware that true wisdom unfolds along the path traveled.

The quest for gnosis became an inner calling resonating in the hearts of those yearning for a deeper understanding of existence. They recognized that intellectual knowledge alone was insufficient; it needed to be experienced and integrated into their daily lives.

The flame of gnosis burned within each seeker, illuminating their journey with insights and revelations. They understood that true wisdom lay not only in books but in moments of silence and introspection, in authentic connections with fellow human beings, and in communion with nature.

As seekers progressed on their journey, they inspired others to awaken to the beauty and wisdom within all beings. Their words and actions reflected a deep connection with their inner divinity, radiating love, compassion, and wisdom in every interaction.

The flame of gnosis continued to shine, nurturing the desire for knowledge and the quest for inner truth. It remained a beacon guiding those thirsty for wisdom toward their own illumination.

May every seeker of gnosis find the strength and courage within themselves to press forward on their journey, facing challenges and overcoming limitations along the way. May they remember that gnosis is not a final destination but an ongoing path of self-discovery and transformation.

May each seeker draw inspiration from the stories and teachings passed down through the ages, honoring the masters and mystics who dedicated their lives to preserving and sharing this wisdom. May they recognize the importance of their own contribution to continuing this legacy, passing on the teachings and inspiring others to awaken to gnosis.

May beauty and wisdom permeate every word, thought, and action of the seekers of gnosis. May they be bearers of light, radiating compassion, love, and understanding wherever they go. May they find balance between intellectual knowledge and practical experience, integrating wisdom into their everyday lives.

The flame of gnosis continues to burn, shining amidst the darkness of ignorance and illusion. As each seeker ignites their own inner flame, may they illuminate the path not only for themselves but also for those who cross their way.

May the journey of gnosis be a source of inspiration and transformation, awakening humanity’s consciousness to the deeper truth that resides within each being. May the pursuit of knowledge, beauty, and wisdom become a shared gift for all, transcending barriers and uniting hearts in the quest for universal understanding.

The story of gnosis continues to be written, on the pages of time and in the minds and hearts of those who venture forth in its pursuit. May the flame of gnosis forever burn, guiding seekers toward transcendence, divine connection, and the awakening of higher consciousness.

May it be so, on the path of gnosis, where beauty, wisdom, and transcendence intertwine, illuminating humanity on its journey toward its own divinity.

The narrative takes us through the intricate paths of gnosis, revealing the three factors of the revolution of consciousness that synthesize transcendental knowledge. The first factor, “To Die,” invites us to confront our inner demons, represented by the Ancient Egyptians as the Red Demons of Seth, which imprison our inner essence, Horus. Just as Perseus fought against Medusa to free Pegasus, the Winged Horse, using his Shield — meaning his consciousness — we too must self-denounce and annihilate that which is bad, negative, and harmful. These psychological defects hinder us from making decisions and experiencing true happiness. Each eliminated defect unveils a latent virtue, transforming lust into chastity, anger into love, pride into humility, greed into charity, envy into joy for others’ good, sloth into diligence, and gluttony into temperance.

In the second factor, “To Be Born,” we comprehend that man is an incomplete being, born without the internal vehicles that enable manifestation across different dimensions. While other creatures are born complete in their nature, man must undergo a second birth, the creation of solar bodies, the Wedding Garments mentioned biblically. It is an alchemical process, a work that transcends physics and mathematics, as exemplified by Isaac Newton when he diverted from his studies to dedicate himself to alchemy. Alchemists such as Nicolas Flamel, Raimundo Lulio, and Fulcanelli also understood the significance of this factor — the birth of solar bodies — in the quest for inner realization.

Finally, the third factor, “Sacrifice,” urges us to look beyond ourselves and devote ourselves to the welfare of humanity. While charity is an obligation, sacrifice goes further; it’s what we can and should do for our fellow human beings. Seeking happiness for others is inherently tied to the pursuit of our own happiness. When we give, when we fight for those in the same situation as us, we realize that the more we give, the more we receive. Sacrificing oneself for humanity connects us to a higher purpose, where we find meaning and fulfillment.

Thus, on this mystical journey, we accompany the revolution of consciousness through these three factors: to die, to be born, and to sacrifice. Each step, each overcome challenge, takes us closer to a deeper understanding of existence and our inner divinity. May the light of gnosis continue to guide seekers, awakening them to the beauty, wisdom, and transcendence that permeate the universe and the essence of humanity.



Jp Santsil
Jp Santsil

Written by Jp Santsil

Onde me manifesto… sou como o entardecer, onde o vento passa ao silêncio da morte e as árvores vibram ao ver passar. Se não me manifesto… no nada tudo serei.

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